Nonprofit, Social Services & Religion
Social services, not for profit and religious organizations present unique challenges when they are looking for Risk Management and Insurance programs.
Churches and religious organizations, for example, often have significant property exposure including aging buildings, as well as high value artifacts. Our Property Team has a proven expertise in assessing the exposures, addressing concerns to prevent loss, and overseeing the claim adjustment process when there is a loss.
Claims related to liability exposures — Professional Liability, Directors’ & Officers’ Liability, and Employment Practices Liability — can have a serious impact on day-to-day operations of religious and social service agencies.
Premise conditions and abuse allegations are among the most obvious liability exposures for some religious organizations. But transportation of clients and employee use of personal vehicles are also significant and common exposures. The supervision of volunteer positions, the protection of limited funds and allegations of discrimination are risks associated with Employment Practices Liability or Directors’ and Officers’ Liability coverage.
Our well-known expertise in these areas helps to protect the organizations and those responsible for the operation.
Hilb Group has extensive experience creating individualized Insurance and Risk Management programs for many religious and social service agencies. We are, of course, very attentive to the financial needs of not for profits but never sacrifice the quality of coverages we recommend.
For More Information:
- Name: Kimberly A. Soricelli
- E-mail:
- Name: Nina Turton
- E-mail:
- Name: Dan Sheehan
- E-mail: